
Introducing “Lois.” I finished this chair a while ago, but kept it under wraps as it was intended as a graduation gift.

“Lois” was a well loved antique rocker previously belonging to my husband’s mom, “Lois.” Hence, this heirloom chair carries her name. A favorite perch at Grandma’s house, and purportedly “the most comfortable chair in the room” the heirloom Lois Rocker has been in the home of my husband’s sister for the last 20 years. My sister-in-law wanted to update it and give it to her granddaughter on the occasion of her high school graduation. Hopefully it will continue be passed down to future generations.

“Lois” was stripped down to the frame and bar springs. The frame was repaired, springs retied, and fresh new padding updated the combination of straw, horse hair, and cotton previously found inside. She was finished off with new brass tacks.

The fabric is a linen blend from Charlotte, pattern D3326. The fabric evokes stylized birds and bamboo in the color “Fiesta,” appropriate for the fiery-haired, fiesta loving graduate! Happy graduation, Angie.


Edmund & Lucy


Thing 1 and Thing 2